Alliance to Save Energy

Definition of Alliance to Save Energy

The Alliance to Save Energy is a non-profit coalition that promotes energy efficiency as a means to achieve a more sustainable future for the environment, the economy, and global security. Founded in 1977, this organization brings together leaders from the business, government, education, and consumer sectors to work collaboratively on energy-saving initiatives and policies. By developing innovative technologies, implementing effective programs, and advocating for legislative policies, the Alliance aims to reduce energy consumption and promote a more sustainable world.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Alliance to Save Energy” is:əˈlaɪəns tə seɪv ˈɛnɚdʒi

Key Takeaways

  1. The Alliance to Save Energy is a non-profit coalition that works towards promoting energy efficiency worldwide to achieve a more sustainable, reliable, and cost-effective energy system.
  2. They develop innovative policies, conduct research, and provide educational resources to businesses, policymakers, and consumers striving to make a positive impact on energy usage and efficiency.
  3. By promoting energy efficiency in key sectors like buildings, transportation, and water systems, Alliance to Save Energy strives to increase the global economy’s productivity and foster a cleaner environment for future generations.

Importance of Alliance to Save Energy

The Alliance to Save Energy is an important technological term because it represents a coalition of diverse stakeholders committed to promoting energy efficiency as a means of achieving environmental sustainability, economic growth, and energy security.

By fostering innovation, collaboration, and the sharing of best practices, the Alliance aims to reduce energy consumption, optimize the use of renewable resources, and create a positive impact on the global environment.

Its various initiatives, which range from policy advocacy to education and market transformation, are designed to achieve long-term benefits, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions, increased affordability, and energy independence, thus benefiting communities, businesses, and the planet in general.


The Alliance to Save Energy is a non-profit organization whose primary purpose is to promote energy efficiency as a means to achieve a more sustainable and economically prosperous future. It was founded in 1977, when the United States experienced a severe energy crisis, and its members have been actively engaged in driving pro-energy-efficiency legislation, conducting research, and providing education, since then. The Alliance works with a diverse group of stakeholders, including government agencies, policymakers, businesses, and consumers, with the goal of raising awareness about the importance of energy efficiency and fostering collaborative efforts to create innovative solutions to energy challenges.

Through these partnerships, the Alliance advocates for policies and technologies that will not only save energy but also reduce carbon emissions, enhance energy security, and bolster economic growth. One of the key areas where the Alliance to Save Energy is actively involved is in developing energy-efficiency standards for various industries, such as the building and construction sector. For example, the Alliance has helped to create building codes that require improved insulation, more efficient heating, and cooling systems, and better-designed windows to minimize energy loss and consumption.

These efforts have had tangible positive impacts; this organization’s initiatives have led to significant annual savings in energy consumption and related costs. Additionally, the Alliance is focused on promoting the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, such as smart grids, electric vehicles, and advanced metering infrastructure, which can play a crucial role in enhancing energy efficiency across the globe. By fostering collaboration and sharing knowledge, the Alliance to Save Energy has been instrumental in shaping a more energy-efficient and sustainable future for all.

Examples of Alliance to Save Energy

The Alliance to Save Energy is a nonprofit coalition of businesses, government entities, and advocacy groups dedicated to promoting energy efficiency worldwide. Here are three real-world examples of their work:

Home Energy Efficiency Program: The Alliance successfully launched the “Home Energy Efficiency Program” in various American cities, aiming to help homeowners retrofit their homes to be more energy efficient. The program educates homeowners about various energy-saving methods, such as insulating walls, sealing air leaks, and upgrading windows. This enables homeowners to reduce their energy consumption, lower their utility bills, and reduce their environmental footprint.

Industrial Energy Efficiency Programs: The Alliance works closely with businesses across the United States, assisting them in implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices. They provide resources, case studies, and best practices, allowing companies to save money and reduce their environmental impact. For example, the Alliance collaborated with PepsiCo to implement an energy management system in one of their manufacturing plants, resulting in significant energy savings.

Advocacy for Policy Change: The Alliance to Save Energy engages in advocacy at the local, state, and federal levels to support policies that promote energy efficiency. They have played an instrumental role in the development and implementation of key energy-efficiency policies, such as the Energy Independence and Security Act of

This legislation resulted in higher energy efficiency standards for appliances and consumer products, as well as funding for residential and commercial building retrofits.Through these initiatives and others, the Alliance to Save Energy has made considerable progress toward advancing energy efficiency worldwide, benefiting both the environment and the economy.

Alliance to Save Energy FAQ

What is the Alliance to Save Energy?

The Alliance to Save Energy is a nonprofit, bipartisan alliance of business, government, environmental, and consumer leaders advocating for enhanced energy efficiency across all sectors of the economy. Its mission is to promote energy efficiency worldwide to achieve a healthier economy and a cleaner environment.

When was the Alliance to Save Energy founded?

The Alliance to Save Energy was founded in 1977 by Senators Charles Percy and Hubert Humphrey, following the 1973 oil crisis, to create a foundation for improving energy efficiency by reducing energy waste and transforming markets.

What are the goals of the Alliance to Save Energy?

The goals of the Alliance to Save Energy are to promote energy efficiency through research, education, and advocacy. This includes encouraging the development of innovative technologies, fostering efficient energy management in homes and businesses, and supporting public policies that enable a more sustainable future.

How does the Alliance to Save Energy achieve its goals?

The Alliance to Save Energy achieves its goals by engaging with stakeholders, including government officials, business leaders, and consumers, to develop and implement energy-efficient practices and policies. They conduct research, provide educational resources, and advocate for policies that support energy efficiency at all levels of government.

Who can join the Alliance to Save Energy?

Membership in the Alliance to Save Energy is open to businesses, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals who share a commitment to improving energy efficiency and reducing energy waste. By joining the Alliance, members have access to a network of experts, resources, and information to help them achieve their energy efficiency goals.

Related Technology Terms

  • Energy Efficiency
  • Green Building
  • Smart Grid
  • Renewable Energy
  • Demand-side Management

Sources for More Information


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