Answer-Only Modem


An Answer-Only Modem is a type of modem that is designed to only receive data but not send it. This type of modem cannot initiate a data transfer, but rather waits for a request from another source before it can provide data. It is commonly used in setups where data only needs to be accessed or received at one end.


AE-n-s-er OH-n-lee MOH-dem

Key Takeaways

  1. Answer-Only Modem is a type of modem configured to only receive data. This means it does not have the functionality to send or initiate data communication, making it more of a passive communication device.
  2. This kind of modem is mainly utilized for certain specific applications where the primary requirement is to only receive and record data. This could be in sectors like weather monitoring stations, security systems, or other systems where real-time data monitoring and reception is crucial.
  3. An Answer-Only Modem implies a one-way communication path and as a result, it might offer improved security. This is because the inability to initiate outbound communication can prevent exposure to certain types of data breaches or online threats.


The term “Answer-Only Modem” is significant in the realm of technology as it refers to a type of modem that only has the capability to receive data, not transmit it. This makes it ideal for specific applications where data is only required to be received, such as certain point-of-sale systems, ATM machines, or any system that primarily needs to receive rather than send data. This type of modem allows for cost-efficient, streamlined data receiving processes, as it forgoes the unnecessary transmitting functionality. It can contribute to the efficiency and affordability of systems in various industries, making it an important technological tool.


An Answer-Only Modem, as the name suggests, is a modem that only receives data, and does not have the ability to send data. This type of modem is particularly instrumental in environments where inbound data transmission is crucial and outbound data is not required or is managed via another medium. They are designed to answer incoming calls and receive data, rather than to initiate calls.The primary application of an Answer-Only Modem is seen in the context of server systems or messaging systems. For example, they might be used where an organization wants to receive data from a large number of remote data collection points. Similarly, in a messaging system, such as pager services or emergency dispatch systems, Answer-Only Modems play an integral role in receiving and processing incoming messages. Throughout these operations, while they aid in data gathering and processing, they do not facilitate data transmission from their end.


Answer-Only Modem (AOM) is a type of modem used specifically for receiving data and not transmitting. Here are three examples of where this technology might be applied:1. Emergency Alert Systems: Governmental or safety agencies could maintain an AOM to receive alerts and warnings. For instance, during a weather disaster, an AOM could be used to receive updates and coordinate disaster responses.2. Health Monitoring System: In healthcare, AOMs can be part of telemetry systems where medical data is received from patients. For instance, an AOM could receive data from heart-rate monitors or other wireless health-monitoring devices, providing real-time feedback to medical staff.3. Real-time Stock Market Data Collection: AOMs can be used in finance or stock market areas to collect real-time stock market data. This data can be collected 24/7 without needing to respond back to the sender. The received data can be used by financial analysts and traders to track and analyze market conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is an Answer-Only Modem?A: An Answer-Only Modem is a type of modem that only receives data. It’s incapable of initiating a data transmission but can answer data calls from other systems.Q: Is an Answer-Only Modem common in today’s technology?A: No, Answer-Only Modems are not commonly used today. This type of modem was predominantly used in times when the internet and data transmission methods were still in their infancy.Q: What is the primary function of an Answer-Only Modem?A: The primary function of an Answer-Only Modem is to receive data transmitted over telephone or telecommunication lines. It is not capable of initiating data calls or sending data.Q: How does an Answer-Only Modem work?A: An Answer-Only Modem works by decoding or demodulating incoming data transmission signals. Since it can’t initiate calls, it must wait for incoming calls before it can function.Q: Can an Answer-Only Modem send data?A: No, an Answer-Only Modem cannot send data. Its primary function is to receive and decode data signals.Q: Is it possible to upgrade an Answer-Only Modem to a two-way modem?A: In most cases, upgrading an Answer-Only Modem to a two-way modem is not feasible due to hardware limitations. Typically, a new two-way modem will need to be purchased.Q: Are Answer-Only Modems still on sale?A: Currently, most modern modems have two-way communication capabilities. However, if necessary for a specific application, special purpose Answer-Only modems may be available from certain vendors or in the secondhand market. Always ensure to discuss your needs with a reputable hardware supplier.

Related Technology Terms

  • Data Transmission
  • Modulation/Demodulation Process
  • Communication Protocol
  • Baud Rate
  • Serial Port Interface

Sources for More Information


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