Applicability Statement 1

Definition of Applicability Statement 1

Applicability Statement 1 (AS1) is a protocol that defines how electronic data interchange (EDI) documents are securely transmitted over the internet using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) for encryption and authentication. AS1 is part of the Applicability Statement series, which consists of several protocols for secure and reliable data interchange. AS1 ensures secure and reliable communication, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of business transactions.


The phonetic spelling of ‘Applicability Statement 1’ using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is:/ˌæplɪkəˈbɪlɪti ˈsteɪtmənt wʌn/Breaking it down:- ‘Applicability’: /ˌæplɪkəˈbɪlɪti/- ‘Statement’: /ˈsteɪtmənt/- ‘1’: /wʌn/

Key Takeaways

  1. Applicability Statement 1 (AS1) is a protocol that enables the secure and reliable exchange of electronic data (such as EDI messages) over the Internet using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
  2. AS1 ensures data integrity and confidentiality by leveraging digital signatures and encryption methods, as well as providing non-repudiation through the use of Message Disposition Notifications (MDNs).
  3. AS1 is widely adopted in industries such as retail, healthcare, and finance for securely exchanging electronic transactions, and it is a key component of the global Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) infrastructure.

Importance of Applicability Statement 1

Applicability Statement 1 (AS1) is important because it provides a standardized way to exchange business-to-business (B2B) data securely and reliably over the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a part of the Electronic Data Interchange-Internet Integration (EDIINT) family, AS1 facilitates seamless communication among trading partners by encoding messages and ensuring data integrity through digital signatures.

Additionally, it ensures data privacy by using encryption, and it confirms successful message transmission with message disposition notifications (MDN). Overall, AS1 has been a fundamental component in establishing secure, stable, and efficient B2B transactions in the digital age.


Applicability Statement 1 (AS1) primarily serves the purpose of providing communication and data exchange protocol between various electronic data interchange (EDI) partners. Implemented in business-to-business (B2B) relationships, AS1 enables these organizations to securely transmit files, messages, or documents such as purchase orders and invoices over the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). AS1 ensures that these transactions are not only precise in content but also effective in communication, thereby promoting increased efficiency in business operations.

In addition to its fundamental function of secure and reliable data exchange, AS1 incorporates the use of digital certificates and electronic signatures to authenticate sender and recipient information. This enhances the level of trust between the involved partners and mitigates risks associated with fraudulent activities.

Furthermore, AS1 offers non-repudiation features, which allow businesses to confirm that transactions are genuinely sent and received by the intended parties. Thus, AS1 technology plays a significant role in streamlining communication, security, and overall productivity in various sectors such as retail, banking, and healthcare, where accurate and timely exchange of data is of paramount importance.

Examples of Applicability Statement 1

Applicability Statement 1 (AS1) is a protocol for transmitting Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and other business messages securely over the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). AS1 uses the Secure MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) standard, with digital signatures and encryption, to provide data security and integrity. Here are three real-world examples of AS1 technology:

Supply Chain Management: In industries such as manufacturing, retail, and logistics, companies often use AS1 to exchange purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notices securely with their trading partners. For example, a large retailer may use AS1 to transmit purchase orders to its suppliers, who in turn send invoices and shipping notices using the same protocol.

Healthcare Industry: In the healthcare sector, AS1 plays a crucial role in transmitting Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transport (EDIFACT) messages between healthcare providers, insurance companies, and other parties involved in patient care. For example, hospitals and clinics may use AS1 to exchange patient records, billing data, and insurance claims with insurance providers securely.

Government Agencies: Government agencies use AS1 to ensure secure and reliable communication between various departments and external partners. This can include exchanging sensitive information, such as tax and legal documents or trade data, with other government departments, international trade partners, and private businesses. For example, a customs agency may use AS1 to securely transmit import/export declarations to authorized trade partners and other government agencies.

FAQ: Applicability Statement 1

What is Applicability Statement 1 (AS1)?

Applicability Statement 1 (AS1) is a protocol that enables the secure and reliable transfer of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) messages over Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). AS1 uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption to ensure message confidentiality and Digital Signature for integrity and authentication.

What are the advantages of using AS1?

AS1 protocol offers several advantages, including security, reliability, and interoperability. It provides end-to-end encryption, non-repudiation, and acknowledgment of receipt, ensuring that your data is transmitted securely and reliably. Additionally, AS1 supports various EDI message formats, making it suitable for use with multiple trading partners.

How does AS1 differ from other Applicability Statements like AS2 and AS3?

While they all facilitate secure and reliable EDI message transmission, each Applicability Statement uses different transport protocols. AS1 uses SMTP, AS2 relies on Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), and AS3 employs File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS). These differences may affect the choice of the Applicability Statement based on an organization’s specific requirements, infrastructure, and preferences.

Is it required to use AS1 for electronic data interchange?

AS1 is not a mandatory requirement; organizations can choose to use other Applicability Statements (AS2, AS3) or other EDI communication methods. However, it is essential to ensure that the chosen method guarantees secure, reliable, and standardized message exchange among trading partners.

How can I implement AS1 in my organization?

To implement AS1, you will need an EDI system or software that supports Applicability Statement 1 protocol. This involves configuring your email infrastructure, certificates, and EDI message formats. Contact your EDI software vendor or a managed services provider to learn more about AS1 implementation and requirements.

Related Technology Terms


  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
  • Applicability Statement 2 (AS2)
  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  • Internet Message Handling Services (IMHS)
  • Message Disposition Notification (MDN)


Sources for More Information


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