Understanding FULLTEXT Searches

In MySQL, there is a provision to search based on natural mode. Let us consider the following example to understand this in detail. Creation of the table: CREATE TABLE ‘PROP_TBL’

Using Find_in_Set in MySQL

MySQL has various ways to search for or lookup a given string. One such powerful mechanism is by using FIND_IN_SET. This function enables a lookup for a given string in


We know that AUTO_INCREMENT is used to have a sequential value auto incremented by itself for the records that we insert. CREATE TABLE AUTO_TABLE (ID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,PRIMARY KEY

Using the Locate Command in MySQL

Amid tons of data, finding a particular string’s presence in the data is extremely tedious. MySQL has a command named LOCATE that can be used with certain conditions and the

Finding the Current User in MySQL

MySQL provides you a mechanism to find the current user. SELECT USER(), CURRENT_USER(); This command comes handy when you have associated a proxy privilege to a user. Sample: mysql SELECT

Employing DROP USER in MySQL

As with any database, MySQL provides powerful user management feature. Learn how to remove a user from the database. DROP USER SRIDHAR However, the catch here is that the user


MySQL provides a REPEAT command that can be used when you want to repeat a particular string, a defined number of times. Consider the example below: SELECT CONCAT(‘S’,REPEAT(“E”,2)) Here, we