PasswordAuthentication holds the data that will be used by the Authenticator. The username and password are stored in the PasswordAuthentication object. The methods getUserName() and getPassword() are made available that return the userName and password respectively. import; public class UnderstandingPasswordAuthentication{ public static void main(String args[]) { UnderstandingPasswordAuthentication understandingPasswordAuthentication = new UnderstandingPasswordAuthentication(); understandingPasswordAuthentication.proceed(); } private void proceed() { //Initializing the user name String userName = “devUser”; //Initializing the password – This is a char array since the PasswordAuthentication supports this argument char[] password = {‘d’,’e’,’v’,’U’,’s’,’e’,’r’}; PasswordAuthentication passwordAuthentication = new PasswordAuthentication(userName, password); System.out.println(“Details being retrieved from PasswordAuthentication object post initializing”); System.out.println(“UserName: ” + passwordAuthentication.getUserName()); //The below getPassword actually returns the reference to the password as per the Java API documentation. System.out.println(“Password: ” + passwordAuthentication.getPassword()); //You can get the password in normal string System.out.println(“Password: ” + String.copyValueOf(passwordAuthentication.getPassword())); }} /* Expected output: [root@mypc]# java UnderstandingPasswordAuthenticationDetails being retrieved from PasswordAuthentication object post initializingUserName: devUserPassword: [C@15db9742Password: devUser */