
Interview with Ingo Rammer

ngo is an independent consultant, developer, author, and trainer based in Vienna, Austria. His books “Advanced .NET Remoting” and “Advanced .NET Remoting in VB.NET” were published by Apress in 2002.

STA Comes Not from STAbility

continue a good cause started by Jimmy Nilsson saying “Don’t you hate being told what to do and not to do, without knowing the reason why?” As for now the

Scaling Out With Object-Relational Mapping on .NET

long with the proliferation of the Internet and large-scale intranets, the requirements of enterprise applications have evolved. Launching a service in an expanding enterprise could put an ever-increasing load on

RefTools’ Algorithms: Look-up Strategies

his is the first in a short series of articles describing Visual Basic components from the RefTools add-in. A first conclusion is that simple binary search of a sorted list