Apple allows AirTag sharing in iOS 17

Apple allows AirTag sharing in iOS 17

AirTag Sharing

Apple has introduced a new feature in iOS 17 that allows users to share their AirTags with up to five people. This update, released in September, makes it easier for friends and family to borrow an AirTag without causing confusion or receiving unidentified tracking notifications. Before iOS 17, AirTags could only be attached to a single user at a time.

If you traveled with someone else’s AirTag, you would receive notifications about an unidentified AirTag tracking your location. To share an AirTag, open the Find My app on your iPhone and tap on the AirTag you want to share. Select “Share This AirTag” and choose who to share it with.

AirTag sharing simplifies family tracking

The recipient will be able to locate the AirTag and won’t receive unidentified tracking notifications. The person you shared the AirTag with will receive a notification.

They simply tap the notification to add the AirTag to their Find My app. If you need to stop sharing your AirTag after it has been returned, open the Find My app and tap on the AirTag you want to stop sharing. Select the name of the person with whom you want to stop sharing and tap “Stop Sharing.” The person will no longer be able to locate your AirTag and will receive unidentified tracking notifications if they are near it.

This new feature makes it easy to share AirTags with friends or family, especially during summer travel seasons like the Fourth of July. By borrowing an AirTag instead of buying a new one, you can save money and still keep track of your belongings while on the go.


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