Android Platform: Definition, Examples


The Android Platform is an open-source operating system and software stack for smartphones, tablets, and other devices, developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. It includes an operating system, middleware, and key applications. Android supports a wide array of technologies, and developers can create applications for Android using the Android Software Development Kit (SDK).


The phonetic pronunciation of “Android Platform” is: “ˈæn.drɔɪd ˈplæt.fɔrm”.

Key Takeaways

Three Main Takeaways About Android Platform

  1. Open Source: Android is an open-source platform which means developers are free to contribute to and edit the code, allowing for a vast array of unique applications.
  2. Widespread usage: Android is the most used mobile operating system worldwide. This dominates the smartphone market and provides a huge customer base for developers and businesses.
  3. Google Play Store: Android provides access to Google’s Play Store, which is host to millions of apps, providing rich content and services to users, also allowing developers a platform to host their applications.


The Android platform is important due to its extensive reach and versatility. Developed by Google, it is the most popular mobile operating system globally, powering billions of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Any device built on the Android platform can support a vast multitude of apps available on Google Play Store for users, which enhances the device’s functionality significantly. Android’s open-source nature allows manufacturers and developers to customize and improve it freely, resulting in a broad array of unique interfaces, features, and capabilities across different devices. This also contributes to continued innovation in mobile technology. Additionally, Android reinforces Google’s ecosystem of services, such as Google Maps, Gmail, and Google Assistant, ensuring seamless and integrated experiences for its users.


Android Platform is a comprehensive operating system designed for mobile devices, created by Google. Its primary purpose is to facilitate and streamline interactive user experiences on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Much like the operating system in your PC or laptop, the Android Platform is essentially the backbone of a mobile device – it’s what manages all the programs and functions, allowing you to do everything from making a call, browsing the web to running specialized apps.The Android Platform is also renowned for its open-source nature, a feature that offers greater flexibility and adaptability. This significant aspect means it’s freely available to anyone who desires to make modifications or improvements, thus allowing a high degree of customization. Hence, developers can build applications or ‘Apps’ to supplement the user’s mobile device experience, which can range from games, office tools, educational content and social networking apps, among others. Hence, the Android Platform serves as a dynamic base for endless possibilities in the world of mobile technology.


1. Samsung Galaxy Smartphones: Samsung is one of the leading brands that uses the Android platform for their smartphones. Users enjoy high performance, exceptional features, and can customise their devices thanks to the open-source nature of Android.2. Google Home Devices: Google Home is a series of smart speakers powered by Google Assistant, which runs on the Android platform. This allows users to play music, control their smart home devices, set reminders, and more, all through voice commands.3. Android TV: Android TV is a smart TV platform developed by Google. Based on the Android OS, it allows users to download apps, games, and digital content directly on their television. Brands like Sony, Hisense, and Philips are using the Android platform for their smart TVs.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q: What is the Android Platform?**A: The Android Platform is a software stack for mobile devices developed and managed by Google. It includes an operating system, middleware, and key applications used in smartphones, tablets, and other devices.**Q: What is included in the Android Platform?**A: It includes the operating system, an application framework, application programming interfaces (APIs), built-in applications, and a virtual machine environment.**Q: Who developed the Android Platform?**A: The Android Platform was developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of technology companies.**Q: Can apps developed on the Android Platform be used on other operating systems?**A: No, Android apps are designed to be used exclusively on the Android Platform. However, app developers may choose to develop cross-platform apps, which are designed to run on multiple operating systems.**Q: How can developers create applications for the Android Platform?**A: Developers can create applications using the Android Software Development Kit (SDK). The Android platform supports Java programming language, and recently Kotlin has become officially supported language as well.**Q: What is the Google Play Store in relation to the Android Platform?**A: The Google Play Store is the official app store for the Android Platform where you can download and install applications and games. **Q: Is the Android Platform secure?**A: Yes, Android has multiple layers of security built into the operating system, but users must also assume responsibility for their own device security such as installing trusted apps and keeping their device software up to date.**Q: Can the Android Platform be customized?**A: Yes, because Android is an open-source platform, it can be customized. However, to do significant customization, one needs technical knowledge and may risk voiding their device’s warranty.**Q: How often is the Android Platform updated?**A: Major updates to the Android Platform are usually released once a year, but minor updates and security patches are released more frequently.**Q: Can all Android devices run the latest Android Platform?**A: No, the ability to run the latest version of the Android Platform depends on the device manufacturer. Some older devices may not be able to support the latest version due to hardware limitations.

Related Technology Terms

  • Android SDK (Software Development Kit)
  • Google Play Store
  • Android Operating System
  • APK (Android Package Kit) Files
  • Android Studio

Sources for More Information


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