OLE for Process Control Specification


OLE for Process Control (OPC) Specification is a set of standards and specifications designed for industrial automation. It facilitates the sharing of data between devices from different manufacturers, such as hardware controllers and software applications. The standard was developed by the OPC Foundation, and it is based on Microsoft’s OLE, COM, and DCOM technologies.


The phonetics of the keyword “OLE for Process Control Specification” is “oh-el-ee for proh-ses cun-trohl speh-si-fi-key-shuhn”

Key Takeaways

  1. The OLE for Process Control (OPC) Specification is a series of standards and specifications designed for industrial automation. It is intended to offer a way to achieve inter-operability between automation hardware and software.
  2. OPC is platform-independent, meaning it’s not linked to any physical device or software. As a result, it’s versatile and can be used in multiple environments, providing a common bridge for disparate systems to communicate, regardless of the manufacturer.
  3. OPC’s reliability and convenient functional elements have led to it being widely adopted in various industries across the globe. It is highly important in process control, integrating different systems together within a single automation architecture.


OLE for Process Control (OPC) Specification is crucial in the world of technology as it defines standard interfaces to allow effective communication between different data sources, specifically in the industrial automation industry. It is based on core Microsoft technology, OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), COM (Component Object Model), and DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model). OPC standardized the method of accessing field data from plant floor devices, thereby overcoming the interoperability issue between devices from various manufacturers. The adoption of OPC specification has resulted in improved efficiency and performance of control systems, better visibility of plant floor data, and easier, more direct device-to-enterprise information integration, thus playing a key role in achieving seamless industrial automation processes.


OLE for Process Control (OPC) Specification is a set of standards and protocols specifically designed for sharing data between diverse hardware and software systems. Its main purpose is to enable real-time, seamless and reliable data transfer between devices, applications and servers in process control and manufacturing industries. Originally incorporating Microsoft’s Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) and Component Object Model (COM), the OPC specification offers a common interface for communication, thereby reducing the potential compatibility issues between different vendors’ products and making the integration of these systems much simpler and more effective.The primary application of OPC Specification is in automation systems—such as industrial or building automation—where accurate, real-time information is crucial for efficient operation and decision-making. For example, a system might use the OPC standard to send data from various sensors or actuators in a manufacturing plant to a central server or control system. The unified communication amongst different devices across different platforms provided by OPC facilitates interoperability, which not only increases efficiency and flexibility of process management, but also enhances safety measures by ensuring critical data reaches the intended recipients in due time. Thus, the OPC Specification performs a key role in simplifying integration and data exchange in industrial systems.


OLE for Process Control (OPC) specification, now known as OPC Classic, is a set of standards for industrial automation. It allows for communications of real-time plant data between control devices from different manufacturers. Here are three real-world examples of OPC being put into use:1. **Petrochemical Industry**: In this industry, OPC can be applied to control the process of refining crude oil. Different machines, instruments and software from various suppliers are involved in the process. OPC can enable connection and communication among these devices for monitoring and controlling the overall process.2. **Manufacturing Industry**: OPC is widely used in manufacturing plants to facilitate communication between different parts of the production process, such as machines, PLCs, and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. For example, in an automobile manufacturing assembly line, OPC can be used to ensure different machines from various manufacturers work in harmony to assemble the final product.3. **Power Generation and Distribution**: In power plants, OPC can be used to regulate the power generation process, monitor power quality, analyze events, and control the power distribution. It allows different systems and devices to work together to monitor energy production, spot issues and ensure consistent power supply to the network.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is the OLE for Process Control Specification?A: OLE for Process Control Specification, commonly known as OPC, is a series of standards and specifications for industrial telecommunication. It provides a common interface for communication between different data sources, such as a process control system and a data visualization system.Q: Who developed the OLE for Process Control Specification?A: The OPC Specification was developed by the OPC Foundation, an organization established in 1996 to ensure interoperability in automation and process control.Q: What does OLE stand for in OLE for Process Control?A: OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding, which allows an application to link and embed objects from another application.Q: What is the main benefit of the OPC?A: The main advantage of OPC is that it enables interoperability among different devices and systems regardless of the manufacturer or model. It acts as a common language that any OPC-compliant device or system can understand.Q: What are some applications of OPC?A: OPC can be used in various industries such as manufacturing, oil and gas, utilities, and pharmaceuticals. It is used for data collection and control functions, alarm and event management, data archiving and retrieval, batch control, and device data exchange.Q: What are the different OPC standards?A: There are several OPC standards including OPC DA (Data Access), OPC HDA (Historical Data Access), OPC A&E (Alarms & Events), and OPC UA (Unified Architecture), among others. Each one is designed to address specific needs.Q: What is the difference between OPC DA and OPC UA?A: OPC DA allows for real-time data access and exchange, whereas OPC UA is a more comprehensive solution that allows for real-time, historical and event data access, and combines the functionalities of the other OPC standards.Q: How secure is OPC?A: OPC UA, the latest standard, uses high-level encryption and security measures to ensure secure data transmission. However, as with any system, the level of security will also depend on the implementation of appropriate security measures.

Related Tech Terms

  • Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)
  • Communication Protocol
  • Real-time Process Data
  • Industrial Automation Systems
  • Process Control Equipment

Sources for More Information


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