Is AI’s Biggest Revolutionary Potential for Gaming Going to Be for Workflow and Production Processes?

Is AI’s Biggest Revolutionary Potential for Gaming Going to Be for Workflow and Production Processes?

Video Games

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been one of the most groundbreaking technological developments in recent times. It is completely transforming a wide range of different industries and promises to make our lives more convenient through the power of automation.

How is AI changing the gaming industry? In this article, we look at how the technology is being implemented by video game developers to improve workflow and production processes. Read on to learn more.

How Are Video Games Made?

Modern video games are incredibly complex. Think of titles like Grand Theft Auto or the Legend of Zelda; these huge games take years to produce and cost hundreds of millions. Games are made using platforms called engines. In these engines, the code for the game is constructed and the visual elements are pieced together to make the final product.

However, artwork is usually made in separate design software, as are things like music and sound effects. These elements must then be imported into the engine to become part of the finished game.

This process is complicated and requires an expert team working around the clock to meet deadlines and targets. This is why game development is often such a stressful job and why so many people in the industry suffer from burnout.

How Can AI Help?

Whether you’re a developer working on the next AAA title or simply a fan who loves to download games and have fun, you will undoubtedly have heard of AI.

However, while most of us have heard of AI, few people really understand how it can actually be implemented in real-world situations. Some people are aware of how AI can be used in the advertising and marketing sector, for example, but how can it help the video game development process?

As we mentioned above, modern games are huge, comprising thousands, if not millions of different assets. Keeping on top of all of this can be incredibly difficult, and failure to properly manage these workflows can see production slow to a crawl or even derail entirely.

This is where AI comes in. Rather than having to dedicate entire teams and significant resources to workflow management, game development studios can instead program AI tools to do so. These sophisticated computer systems can instantly scan databases and organize files for more efficient access.

In addition, AI can be used to power a range of in-engine tools. These can be anything from chatbots to offer technical support to asset generation plugins.

What Will This Mean for the Future of the Industry?

The video games industry is worth billions of dollars and is only growing larger every year. Experts believe it could be worth an astonishing $467 billion by 2027.

The industry has come a long way since the early days of Pong and Pac-Man. Games have become part of our cultural consciousness, and now almost everyone owns a gaming console of one kind or another.

However, as video games become bigger and better, they become more difficult, expensive, and time-consuming to make. Millions of people dream of a career in the video games industry. However, those who make it soon find out that the roles are extremely stressful, with long hours, tight deadlines, and strict targets. This can drive people away and discourage young people from getting involved in the sector in the first place.

This is why AI is so important; it will improve production workflows immeasurably and will ensure that developers have the tools they need to continue making and improving upon the games we all know and love.

In addition, AI tools will help lighten the load for developers and will prevent stress and burnout from impacting the physical and mental health of game development staff.

Featured image provided by Christopher Gower; Unsplash; Thanks!


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