
Definition of Capture

In the technology context, “capture” refers to the process of recording data or information from a specific source, such as through scanning, photography, or digital recording. This data can then be saved, stored, or analyzed for various purposes. Common examples include capturing images with a digital camera, recording audio with a microphone, or scanning barcodes.


The phonetic representation of the keyword “Capture” using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) would be /ˈkæp.tʃər/.

Key Takeaways

  1. Capture allows you to collect and record important information from various sources efficiently.
  2. Effectively using Capture helps in organizing your data, leading to a more streamlined and coherent workflow.
  3. Regularly reviewing the captured information ensures its relevance and accuracy, enabling better decision-making and planning.

Importance of Capture

Capture is a crucial term in technology as it represents the process of collecting, storing, and preserving valuable digital information or media, such as images, videos, or data.

In the digital world, capturing information enables individuals and businesses to retain important moments, ideas, or transactions, which can further be analyzed, shared, or manipulated for various purposes.

It plays a vital role in many prominent sectors, such as data analysis, surveillance, documentation, communication, and entertainment.

With the rapid advancements in technology, the capabilities of capturing digital content have grown tremendously, while also becoming more accessible and user-friendly, leading to increased efficiency, collaboration, and innovation across multiple industries.


The technology term “capture” serves a significant purpose in various fields, including computer vision, digital media, and data acquisition. Its primary objective is to record or represent relevant information or data from different sources to make them accessible for further processing, sharing, or analysis.

This process enables individuals and organizations to gather specific, useful data from their surroundings or applications and improve the user experience by streamlining workflows, enhancing communication, and providing documentation in various formats. One common application of capture technologies is the real-time recording of audio and visuals, such as in photography, videography, or screen recording.

Professionals, as well as casual users, benefit from capturing high-quality images and videos as it helps preserve valuable moments and allows them to showcase their creativity or work effectively. Similarly, data acquisition systems employ capture technologies to extract, store, and manage information from sensors and other devices.

This ability to gather vital data across diverse environments furthers research, monitoring, and evaluation in scientific, industrial, and medical domains – fostering innovation and advancing development in numerous sectors.

Examples of Capture

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): This technology involves capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced during industrial processes, such as burning fossil fuels in power plants or manufacturing cement, and storing them safely underground. A real-world example of this technology is the Boundary Dam Power Station in Canada, which has an integrated CCS facility that captures around 1 million tons of CO2 per year.

Image and Video Capture: Digital cameras and smartphones with advanced camera technology allows users to take high-quality photographs and videos, enabling them to document and share their lives. A real-world example is the widespread use of smartphones for capturing photos and videos during social events, concerts, and on vacation.

Wildlife Camera Traps: Wildlife researchers utilize camera traps to monitor and study animal behaviors, track migration patterns, and assess population counts. These motion-activated cameras capture images or videos when an animal passes through the trigger area. A real-world example includes the use of camera traps in the Amazon rainforest to study elusive species such as jaguars and ocelots.

Capture FAQ

What is capture?

Capture is the process of acquiring data or information from various sources like websites, documents, or any digital medium. It is widely used in areas like data capture, image capture, video capture, and more.

How can I capture data from a website?

You can capture data from a website using web scraping tools or libraries such as BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, or Selenium. These tools help you gather specific information from websites and store it in a structured format.

What is the difference between capture and record?

Capture is the process of acquiring data or information, whereas record refers to the formal documentation of information, typically stored in a database or a file. Capture can be a part of the process of creating a record.

What types of data can be captured?

Various types of data can be captured, including text, images, audio, and video. Data can be collected from different sources such as websites, electronic documents, printed materials, and physical objects.

What are some common uses of data capture?

Data capture is commonly used for various purposes, such as data analysis, storing information in databases, web scraping, image and video processing, and monitoring systems.

Is data capture the same as data entry?

Data capture is not the same as data entry. While both involve collecting and storing information, data capture typically involves automated methods like scanning, web scraping, or using APIs. Data entry, on the other hand, often refers to manually inputting information into a system or database.

Related Technology Terms

  • Screen Capture
  • Data Capture
  • Video Capture
  • Audio Capture
  • Motion Capture

Sources for More Information

  • Wikipedia –
  • GeeksforGeeks –
  • Techopedia –
  • OpenKM –

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The DevX Technology Glossary is reviewed by technology experts and writers from our community. Terms and definitions continue to go under updates to stay relevant and up-to-date. These experts help us maintain the almost 10,000+ technology terms on DevX. Our reviewers have a strong technical background in software development, engineering, and startup businesses. They are experts with real-world experience working in the tech industry and academia.

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