WhatsApp is testing a new chat theme feature in its latest Android and iOS beta updates. These themes will apply to both the wallpaper and text bubbles, similar to Instagram and Messenger. In the latest WhatsApp beta for Android (version, this new chat themes feature has been uncovered and will be rolled out in a future update.
WhatsApp has always allowed users to choose a chat background and switch between light and dark modes, but the color of text bubbles remained unchanged. The screenshot reveals that WhatsApp is testing a new section where users will be able to select their favorite default chat theme. This new feature appears to be different from the current implementations on Instagram and Messenger, as it prompts users to choose a default chat theme that could automatically apply to all their conversations.
However, it is likely that WhatsApp will include a manual override option in future updates, allowing users to customize individual chats and align the experience more closely with Meta’s other apps.
Testing new WhatsApp chat customization
A similar update in the WhatsApp beta for iOS (version indicates that this update will be heading to all WhatsApp users, no matter what device they’re using.
While the actual themes are still under wraps, and we don’t have a sneak peek just yet, it’s safe to say that WhatsApp is getting ready to bring a little more flair to our chats. The feature is still in early development, but it will allow users to pick a chat theme that changes the message color and the chat’s wallpaper. If you’ve ever used Facebook Messenger, you’ll be familiar with this concept, as chat themes have been available there for years.
For those eager to test WhatsApp beta features on Android, you’ll need to enroll in the beta track via its Play Store listing. Note, however, that enrollment isn’t always open. Given the usual timeline for new features to transition from beta to stable versions, we assume chat themes will be available for everyone towards the end of the year.