Since 1998, DevX has helped people start businesses, build websites, and provide enterprise technology to people globally. Interviewing the likes of Microsoft’s co-founder, Steve Ballmer, the publication brings comprehensive, reliable, and accessible insights to the Internet.
Question: I have forms that I want to load, unload, and then load again. I use Show and Unload to do this. After I unload the form and try to
Question: I have a VB app that I use to correct records on an Rdb database on a VAX. I am using Microsoft’s TCP/IP and DEC’sODBC drivers. Our databases can
Question: I cannot get the WinHelp API to work. “Bad DLL Convention” but I appear tobe doing everything right (including correction to WinAPI help declaration).Any suggestions? Answer: You could try
Question: I see that an input box appears to maintain a focus on one the command buttons even when entering text. How is this done? Answer: What you are seeing
Question: How do I upgrade my version 3.0 files to version 4.0? Answer: If you open your 3.0 project in any variant of VB 4.0, it will ask you if
Question: I cannot seem to find any documentation on how to scrollthe contents of a page. Can you help? Answer: The Visual Basic Knowlege Base, which is installed with Visual
Question: How do I insert carriage return (Chr(13)) and line feed (Chr (10)) in a text box at run-time? Answer: Just use the ampersand (&) and add them to the
Question: How do I add new fields to an existing table in an Access 2.0 databasewithout losing data that already exists in the table/database? I knowhow to add fields, (the
Question: If a user closes an application via the control box at the top LH side of a window, I would like to offer the user 3 choices:They can save
Question: How do I program the ToolTips (text that appears when the cursor is over a toolbar button) ? Answer: You should look into the Tips control from Mabry Software.
Question: If you are designing a program, but there is not enough room on a form even when it is maximized, what can you do? Answer: If you use a
Question: I’ve been trying to create a simulator – it requires as close to real-time operation as possible. I have a couple of questions about timers.How do I activate a
Question: I am loading a file which is basically a list of numbers into an array. The array is declared as a string. I keep getting an “out of string
Question: We are developing a decent sized application in VB with a couple of programmers. We are looking for a way to have all of the programmers work on the
Question: Where would you use Visual Basic over Visual C++? Answer: Well, personally, I’d almost always use VB over VC++ for a few reasons: Ease of use – it’s much
Question: How can I include a double quote character in a string? I couldn’t find any masking characters like backslashin C. Answer: To include the double quote character within a
Question: The VB4 help files state that Public Declarations in a General module are available to all forms andmodules in all applications. Is this true? I can’taccess such variables across
Question: I am having trouble using the setup wizard for a project I have created in Visual Basic. The problem is after I setup the program on another computer, the
Question: You said there’s an example in the VB help file on use of theCancelError = true property. Where is it? In my app, I can get VB to generatethe
Question: In a simple loop on a form with a Cancel Button:DoHere I want to Check to see if a user pushed a cancel button(Cancel Property is set to true)(While
Question: I have made a program to use a database, and will makea copy of this file to a disk. The problem is that Ican’t make a copy of the
Question: I am using a subroutine which involves 2 list boxes in a pick box configuration. I take the literal boxname [Form.Control] and load it to a variable- BoxName. I
Question: How do you save the choices when changing forms and shutting down the program. Do I have to use a module to store the changes? Answer: If you have
Question: How do you check to see if the name of a file you want to RENAME a file to already exists? Answer: Here is a great example of how
Question: I am writing a Lottery Simulator, I have a database which contains seven fields, each field of each record contains a number from 1 to 49. I am looking
Question: I have created a VB executable file and now want to distribute it to users. I want this executable to reside on our network drive. The problem that I
Question: I am trying to use Print# statements to create an HTMLtext file and VB3 that I am using keeps interpreting the HTML characters as Data Types and operators saying
Question: Is it possible to bind a cell in a grid with a database field (as we can do for text boxes and some other controls)? Answer: In VB3, the
Question: My question is with regards to VB’s ability to handle complexSQL. I have the application I am developing set up in the followingway: I copy the SQL created into
Question: How do you include a single quotation mark in a query?Example:“Select * From BATCH Where BATCH.NAME = ‘O’Connel’” Answer: Simply replace the single quote with two single quotes together.