Since 1998, DevX has helped people start businesses, build websites, and provide enterprise technology to people globally. Interviewing the likes of Microsoft’s co-founder, Steve Ballmer, the publication brings comprehensive, reliable, and accessible insights to the Internet.
Question: Can I get the name of the procedure that an error has occurred in?For example, I would like to send my error to a form that containsthe error number,
Question: Can one call a stored procedure or function in oracle 7through odbc from visual basic? This might be a questionfor an oracle user group, so if you know where
Question: I have a List with names and addresses from a database.I want to have the list as shown below.Mr. Smith Street 10Mr. Andersson Street 25I’ve tried aligning them by
Question: I have visual basic 2.0 Hopefully not for long. If I make a button that does a funtion like this. n = n + 1 print nit gives me
Question: I’m trying to use the KeyPress event to automatically uppercase what the user types. How do I do it? Answer: Put the following code into the KeyPress event of
Question: What is the best method to use for updating an Access 2 database from Visual Basic? I am a bit confused aboutthe methods presented such as 1) VB Data
Question: In procedure, I used statement like this:ds.FindFirst “fulldate = ’95-10-31′” ‘ds is DynaSet variablebut always it fails, and ds.NoMatch Value is True(-1).What’s wrong with this? Please help me. Answer:
Question: not having programmed in any of the BASIC languages, I am wondering if Visual Basic’s string variable is in anyway similar to what a string variable is in C
Question: What’s wrong with this code :if file1.filename=”*.bmp” then picture1.LoadPicture(file1.filename) Answer: I’m guessing you’re trying to check the selected filename to see if it ends in .BMP, right? The problem
Question: We have a Large VB application (code wise) and we are movingthe data from MS access to Sybase using the ODBC driver.Now, after we presented the project’s time tale
Question: I am trying to connect my MS ACCESS 2.0 Database to the WWW viaa VB-CGI-Script. I figured out, how to transfer data from a HTML-Form to my VB-programm but
Question: Is there any way to clear a combo box without it’s Textproperty being set to null? Answer: As far as I know and have tried, the only way to
Question: I am resizing my widows during runtime. I also want my dialogboxes to resize with the window. My program is doing thiscorrectly. But it is not resizing the command
Question: I have a requirement to only allow a copy of an application to be executed once.If someone tries to execute the app a second time, I want to give
Question: I have a Huge front end to an Access database. The front end was created in VB3.0, I recently upgraded to 4.0, it states that the references should work
Question: Data1.Recordset.FindFirst “LastName = ‘Quayle’”Ok that works fine. Why can’t I:Data1.Recordset.FindFirst “LastName = VarLN”where VarLN is a variable which the user has just provided? I get error 3070, “Can’t bind
Question: Is there an easy way to clear a combo box’s contents, other than using the Clear method? Answer: One of my users suggested that if you add a space
Question: What’s an easy way to make a copy of a currently open database? I’ve got open recordsets all over the place that I don’t want to close. Answer: Simply
Question: I can’t figure out how to add (runtime) a string variable into a textfield that already contains text.My thought was: Text1.Text = Text1.Text + “STRING VAR”this will obviously only
Question: I need to inquire if Video for Windows has been installed beforeattempting to play an AVI file. How can I do this? Answer: All versions of Windows keep track
Question: During run-time, for a particular reason, how do i hide/unhide mouse pointer? Answer: Here’s how to hide the Mousepointer:The Declaration:Declare Function ShowCursor Lib “User” (ByVal bShow As Integer) As
Question: I am trying to write a generic error handler and would like some way of determining which proceedure or function the error has occured so that the generic error
Question: I am trying to sync my system time with the servers time usingwinsock. but I need an API call that allows you to set your system date and time.
Question: I have an SQL statement in my program that looks like this:data3.recordsource = “SELECT id, date from reservations where (date = ‘” & maskededit1.text & “‘) and (id =
Question: I am using a Truegrid and implementing their Value list, combo box. I fill the list in code and would like to be able to have the “pick-list” drop
Question: When creating a database (using the Access 1.1 engine) and selecting a field to be a primary index and requiring a unique index value, what will happen when the
Question: In Access 2.0 there is an Eval() function which will automatically evaluate numeric expressions. This functionality does not appear to exist in VB 4. I found an article in
Question: I am trying to create a “proof of concept” Visual Basic Project.In it, I am using a VB front end to access and maintain data in anORACLE 7 database
Question: My VB application accesses Oracle on VAX and it takes atleast15 secs to get connected to Oracle. How can I display a waitwindow/msgbox/form while it is trying to connect
Question: I am trying to include a button in an Excel worksheet that will allow the user to click in to receive help infilling out the spreadsheet form properly. However,