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Getting Procedure Location Name

Question: Can I get the name of the procedure that an error has occurred in?For example, I would like to send my error to a form that containsthe error number,

Calling Stored Procedures

Question: Can one call a stored procedure or function in oracle 7through odbc from visual basic? This might be a questionfor an oracle user group, so if you know where

Aligning Columns in a List Box

Question: I have a List with names and addresses from a database.I want to have the list as shown below.Mr. Smith Street 10Mr. Andersson Street 25I’ve tried aligning them by

Using Global Variables

Question: I have visual basic 2.0 Hopefully not for long. If I make a button that does a funtion like this. n = n + 1 print nit gives me

Automatically Converting to Uppercase

Question: I’m trying to use the KeyPress event to automatically uppercase what the user types. How do I do it? Answer: Put the following code into the KeyPress event of

Method Comparison

Question: What is the best method to use for updating an Access 2 database from Visual Basic? I am a bit confused aboutthe methods presented such as 1) VB Data

Searching Date Fields

Question: In procedure, I used statement like this:ds.FindFirst “fulldate = ’95-10-31′” ‘ds is DynaSet variablebut always it fails, and ds.NoMatch Value is True(-1).What’s wrong with this? Please help me. Answer:

Changing File Extension

Question: not having programmed in any of the BASIC languages, I am wondering if Visual Basic’s string variable is in anyway similar to what a string variable is in C

Checking for File Extension

Question: What’s wrong with this code :if file1.filename=”*.bmp” then picture1.LoadPicture(file1.filename) Answer: I’m guessing you’re trying to check the selected filename to see if it ends in .BMP, right? The problem

Replacing OpenTable

Question: We have a Large VB application (code wise) and we are movingthe data from MS access to Sybase using the ODBC driver.Now, after we presented the project’s time tale

Opening Access 2.0 DBs

Question: I am trying to connect my MS ACCESS 2.0 Database to the WWW viaa VB-CGI-Script. I figured out, how to transfer data from a HTML-Form to my VB-programm but

Clearing Text Property

Question: Is there any way to clear a combo box without it’s Textproperty being set to null? Answer: As far as I know and have tried, the only way to

ScaleWidth vs Width

Question: I am resizing my widows during runtime. I also want my dialogboxes to resize with the window. My program is doing thiscorrectly. But it is not resizing the command

Ensuring Single Instance

Question: I have a requirement to only allow a copy of an application to be executed once.If someone tries to execute the app a second time, I want to give

Converting to DAO 3.0

Question: I have a Huge front end to an Access database. The front end was created in VB3.0, I recently upgraded to 4.0, it states that the references should work

Finding Variable Values

Question: Data1.Recordset.FindFirst “LastName = ‘Quayle’”Ok that works fine. Why can’t I:Data1.Recordset.FindFirst “LastName = VarLN”where VarLN is a variable which the user has just provided? I get error 3070, “Can’t bind

Clearing the Contents

Question: Is there an easy way to clear a combo box’s contents, other than using the Clear method? Answer: One of my users suggested that if you add a space

Copying a Database

Question: What’s an easy way to make a copy of a currently open database? I’ve got open recordsets all over the place that I don’t want to close. Answer: Simply

Using SelText Property

Question: I can’t figure out how to add (runtime) a string variable into a textfield that already contains text.My thought was: Text1.Text = Text1.Text + “STRING VAR”this will obviously only

Detecting Microsoft Video for Windows

Question: I need to inquire if Video for Windows has been installed beforeattempting to play an AVI file. How can I do this? Answer: All versions of Windows keep track

Hiding Mouse Pointer at Run-time

Question: During run-time, for a particular reason, how do i hide/unhide mouse pointer? Answer: Here’s how to hide the Mousepointer:The Declaration:Declare Function ShowCursor Lib “User” (ByVal bShow As Integer) As

Creating a Generic Handler

Question: I am trying to write a generic error handler and would like some way of determining which proceedure or function the error has occured so that the generic error

Setting System Time

Question: I am trying to sync my system time with the servers time usingwinsock. but I need an API call that allows you to set your system date and time.

Type Mismatch Error

Question: I have an SQL statement in my program that looks like this:data3.recordsource = “SELECT id, date from reservations where (date = ‘” & maskededit1.text & “‘) and (id =

Using Dropdown Control in TrueGrid Pro

Question: I am using a Truegrid and implementing their Value list, combo box. I fill the list in code and would like to be able to have the “pick-list” drop

Inserting a Duplicate Record

Question: When creating a database (using the Access 1.1 engine) and selecting a field to be a primary index and requiring a unique index value, what will happen when the

Using Function Pointers/Dynamic Functions

Question: In Access 2.0 there is an Eval() function which will automatically evaluate numeric expressions. This functionality does not appear to exist in VB 4. I found an article in

ODBC Slowdown

Question: I am trying to create a “proof of concept” Visual Basic Project.In it, I am using a VB front end to access and maintain data in anORACLE 7 database

Wait Window

Question: My VB application accesses Oracle on VAX and it takes atleast15 secs to get connected to Oracle. How can I display a waitwindow/msgbox/form while it is trying to connect

Creating a Help File for an Excel Document

Question: I am trying to include a button in an Excel worksheet that will allow the user to click in to receive help infilling out the spreadsheet form properly. However,