Accredited Standards Committee X12

Definition of Accredited Standards Committee X12

The Accredited Standards Committee X12 (ASC X12) is a committee chartered by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), responsible for developing and maintaining electronic data interchange (EDI) standards in the United States. These standards facilitate business-to-business communication by establishing uniform formats for exchanging information electronically across various industries. ASC X12 aims to improve the efficiency, reliability, and consistency of inter-organizational data exchange.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Accredited Standards Committee X12” is:ăk-rĕd′ĭ-tĭd stăn′dərdz kə-mĭt′ē ĕks-twĕlv

Key Takeaways

  1. Accredited Standards Committee X12 (ASC X12) is a non-profit organization that develops and maintains electronic data interchange (EDI) standards for improving efficiency across numerous industries.
  2. The committee operates under ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and works symbiotically with organizations worldwide to create unified standards for global communication and business processes.
  3. ASC X12 has produced a vast range of standards, known as X12 EDI transactions or messages, used in fields such as finance, health care, insurance, transportation, and government agencies, to facilitate easy, secure, and quick information exchange.

Importance of Accredited Standards Committee X12

The Accredited Standards Committee X12 (ASC X12) is an important technology term as it represents a committee responsible for developing and maintaining widely-accepted standards for electronic data exchange, particularly in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) protocols in the United States.

These standards streamline and facilitate communication between various industries, businesses, and government entities, reducing the time and cost involved in crucial data transfers.

By ensuring consistency across systems and promoting interoperability, ASC X12 enhances the efficiency, reliability, and security of business processes, making it a vital component in the field of information technology.


The Accredited Standards Committee X12 (ASC X12) plays a particularly vital role in facilitating daily operations and streamlining transactions between businesses in various industries. Established in 1979, its main purpose is to develop, maintain, and promote electronic data interchange (EDI) standards within the United States.

EDI provides a standardized format for exchanging business information electronically, consequently eliminating the need for manual input and increasing efficiency. ASC X12 brings together representatives from various industries, including healthcare, transportation, insurance, government, and finance, allowing them to collaborate on the development of these essential EDI standards.

ASC X12’s widely recognized set of EDI standards are used extensively for conducting key business-to-business (B2B) transactions, ranging from purchase orders and invoices to shipping notifications and healthcare claims. Implementing these standards allows organizations to communicate seamlessly with each other, thus reducing errors and increasing overall efficiency.

Furthermore, the use of ASC X12 EDI standards aids businesses in complying with government regulations and industry-specific requirements, maintaining data consistency, and fostering cost reduction by minimizing paper-based transactions. In summary, the Accredited Standards Committee X12 not only ensures that various industries can communicate effectively, but also paves the way for future technological advancements in electronic data exchange.

Examples of Accredited Standards Committee X12

The Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 is a body that develops and maintains electronic data interchange (EDI) standards, specifically the X12 standard, to facilitate communication and information exchange in various industries. Here are three real-world examples of the technology:

Healthcare Industry: In the healthcare sector, ASC X12 technology plays a significant role in streamlining data transfer between healthcare providers, insurance companies, and patients. The X12 834 Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance transaction, for instance, is used by employers to enroll employees in health plans. The X12 837 transaction, on the other hand, is used for healthcare insurance claims, enabling hospitals and clinics to submit billing information to insurance companies for reimbursement.

Supply Chain Management: The ASC X12 standards are instrumental in simplifying electronic communication for businesses involved in supply chain management. For example, retailers use the X12 850 Purchase Order transaction to send purchase orders to their suppliers, who in turn respond with the X12 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment to confirm receipt. Moreover, the X12 856 Advanced Ship Notice (ASN) is used by suppliers to inform retailers about shipments, allowing them to plan and manage their inventory effectively.

Financial Services Industry: In the financial services sector, ASC X12 technology is used to facilitate electronic transactions between financial institutions, banks, and other entities. The X12 820 Remittance Advice transaction, for example, helps organizations streamline payment processing by providing detailed information about invoice payments, adjustments, and deductions. Similarly, the X12 823 Lockbox transaction is used to communicate information about customer payments, processed through a lockbox service, to the receiving company’s accounts receivables department.

FAQ: Accredited Standards Committee X12

What is the Accredited Standards Committee X12?

The Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 is a standards organization that develops and maintains Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards for various industries. These standards facilitate the exchange of electronic transactions between different organizations, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

What industries does the ASC X12 serve?

ASC X12 serves a variety of industries, including healthcare, insurance, transportation, finance, government, and more. The organization aims to provide standardized messaging formats that can be universally adopted by businesses, government agencies, and other stakeholders in these sectors.

What is the main purpose of ASC X12 standards?

The main purpose of ASC X12 standards is to create uniform and efficient electronic data interchange (EDI) formats for various business transactions. This helps to enhance communication, streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve the overall efficiency of conducting business across multiple industries.

How are the X12 standards developed?

The X12 standards are developed through a collaborative process that involves various industry stakeholders, including businesses, government agencies, and other organizations. ASC X12 has subcommittees and workgroups focused on specific industries and functions, which work together to create, review, and amend the standards as needed.

Are there different versions of X12 standards?

Yes, there are different versions of X12 standards to accommodate updates, improvements, and changes in the industry requirements. As new technologies and business practices evolve, the standards are updated to ensure continued relevance and applicability to current business environments.

Related Technology Terms

  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  • Transaction Sets
  • ASC X12N
  • Data Element Dictionary
  • Implementation Guides

Sources for More Information


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