Adobe Integrated Runtime

Definition of Adobe Integrated Runtime

Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is a cross-platform runtime environment developed by Adobe Systems. It allows developers to create rich internet applications that can run on different devices, including desktops, smartphones, and tablets. AIR supports various programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript, ActionScript, and Adobe Flash, providing increased flexibility and functionality for web application development.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Adobe Integrated Runtime” would be:əˈdoʊbi ˈɪntɪˌɡreɪtɪd ˈraɪntaɪm(uh-DOH-bee IN-teh-gray-tid RYNE-tym)

Key Takeaways

  1. Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is a cross-platform runtime system that allows developers to create and deploy rich Internet applications for desktop and mobile platforms using technologies like HTML, JavaScript, ActionScript, and Adobe Flash.
  2. With AIR, developers can leverage their existing web development skills to build and deploy native applications on various platforms, such as Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. This results in reduced development time and increased consistency across different devices.
  3. AIR provides a range of features that enable rich user experiences, including hardware acceleration, file system access, native extensions, and a robust platform API. This allows developers to create powerful and feature-rich applications that can interact with the native functionality of the target platform, providing a seamless experience for the end user.

Importance of Adobe Integrated Runtime

Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is an important technology term because it refers to a versatile and powerful cross-platform runtime environment that enables developers to create rich internet applications for various operating systems (such as Windows, macOS, and mobile platforms). AIR offers a seamless experience to users since it allows developers to combine HTML, JavaScript, Adobe Flash, and ActionScript to build advanced and interactive applications, regardless of the device they are using.

By using AIR, developers can create a single application that can be easily deployed and updated across multiple platforms, fostering better engagement, greater functionality, and an enhanced user experience overall.

The significance of Adobe Integrated Runtime lies in its capability to bridge the gap between various platforms and deliver powerful, consistent applications to a broad user base.


Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) serves a significant purpose in the realm of application development. Its primary function is to enable developers to create web applications and software that can run on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Android. By utilizing a single development codebase, AIR significantly simplifies the development process, as developers do not need to write separate code for each target platform.

Not only does this streamline the app creation process, but it also reduces the risk of inconsistencies and errors that can arise when maintaining multiple code versions. As a result, businesses and developers can more efficiently reach a wider user base, spanning various devices and operating systems. Furthermore, AIR provides the advantage of integration with Adobe’s suite of multimedia and creative tools, such as Flash, Illustrator, and Photoshop.

This integration allows developers and designers to collaborate more effectively, creating powerful and engaging applications with rich media capabilities. From interactive 2D and 3D graphics to high-quality video and audio playback, AIR applications can deliver immersive and dynamic experiences to users across various platforms. By bridging the gap between development and design, Adobe Integrated Runtime enables a more seamless and efficient creation process, ultimately yielding sophisticated and captivating applications for users to enjoy.

Examples of Adobe Integrated Runtime

Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is a technology that enables developers to create web-based applications with the flexibility and functionality of desktop applications. Here are three real-world examples of applications developed using Adobe AIR:

eBay Desktop: eBay Desktop is an official application released by eBay that allows users to access and manage their eBay accounts without needing to access the eBay website. This application provides a user-friendly interface for browsing and searching items, placing bids, managing watch lists, and monitoring auctions. eBay Desktop was developed using Adobe AIR, enabling a seamless and intuitive user experience across Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms.

TweetDeck: TweetDeck is a popular social media management tool that makes it easy for users to track and manage multiple Twitter accounts, organize content, and engage with their audience. The app consolidates various social media feeds into a single customizable interface, providing users with an efficient way to stay informed and manage their online presence. TweetDeck was initially developed using Adobe AIR, offering a consistent experience across different devices and operating systems.

Pandora One Desktop App: Pandora is a popular music streaming service, and it developed a standalone application for desktop users called Pandora One Desktop App using Adobe AIR. This app allowed users to access, search, and listen to their favorite music without the need for a web browser. The application featured ad-free streaming, higher-quality audio, and customizable skins, providing users with a richer and more interactive listening experience.While AIR apps have lost some popularity over time due to Adobe shifting its focus to other platforms, these applications were notable real-world examples of the capabilities of AIR technology during its prime.

Adobe Integrated Runtime FAQ

What is Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR)?

Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is a cross-platform runtime system developed by Adobe Systems for building desktop and mobile applications using Adobe Flash, ActionScript, and Apache Flex as the primary programming languages.

What platforms does Adobe AIR support?

Adobe AIR supports a wide range of platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. This enables developers to create applications that work seamlessly across different devices and operating systems.

How do I get started with Adobe AIR development?

To get started with Adobe AIR development, you will need to download the Adobe AIR SDK, choose a development environment (like Adobe Animate or Flash Builder), and familiarize yourself with supported programming languages and frameworks, like ActionScript and Flex. There are many resources available online to help you learn and create your first Adobe AIR application.

What are the advantages of using Adobe AIR?

Some advantages of using Adobe AIR for application development include cross-platform compatibility, ease of development with familiar languages and tools, a wide range of available libraries and frameworks, and robust support for multimedia features, including high-quality video, audio, and graphics.

What kind of applications can be built with Adobe AIR?

Adobe AIR can be used to build a broad range of applications, from desktop software, games, and mobile apps to enterprise solutions. Examples of Adobe AIR-based applications are productivity tools, multimedia editors, e-learning software, and more. The versatility of the AIR runtime allows developers to create various types of apps tailored to their target audience and platform requirements.

Related Technology Terms


  • Application Development
  • Cross-Platform Runtime
  • Adobe Air SDK
  • ActionScript 3.0
  • Flex


Sources for More Information


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